Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I'm still mooching.....errr, I mean I was totally invited to continue to stay with my sister today! Thank goodness I'm her favorite sister or Buddy and I might be slumming it at my parents who are unluckily without running water for a few days thanks to a rusty/broken water pipe! Today we were introduced to several things, first, what our life would be like if we had a bunch of girls in the house....

Yep, that's right a Dance Party Dance A-thon, which was awesome! Especially from my vantage point (yep that's me lounging in the lounger.....Sheesh, somebody had to!
Then we were introduced to diving lessons, my niece Ashely has been getting diving lessons for years and actually competes and does fantastically well. Buddy had his first lesson today......

He loved it and is now ready to go to Southpoint and do some serious cliff diving. Errr, thank goodness he's signed up for the rest of the month to practice before he makes the 50 foot jump!
Then we were introduced to the fine art of how to use mundane items for a goofy prop.....
Ummm, oh wait, nope that wasn't a first, but it sure was fun! So all in all a super fantastically moochy day!

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