Sunday, June 24, 2012

The truth of the matter....

When I was in kindergarten I played on the monkey bars so much during recess one day that I got a ginormous blister that covered my entire palm! I went to the nurse, who put a dressing on covering my entire hand and most of my forearm and then sent me home with a note from school about what she'd done. When I got home my dad took one look at the ridiculous dressing and then he said a few choice words, took the bandage off and forbade me from wearing that over sized bandage again! That memory jolted into my mind when Buddy got this....
And I dressed it like this....

When I tried to get my dad to tell the story about it he had no recollection of it at all! I, on the other hand, never forgot that my dad tried to get me to "man up". Let's just say that didn't work very well,  and I'm the biggest crybaby in the universe. Maybe I dressed Buddy 's wounds like the nurse dressed my wounds because as a nurse it's instinctual to do anything in your power to make it better (even if the pain is all in your head)....or maybe I did it just because I'm not a dad so it's OK to not expect my kid to "man up". The simple truth is, I have no idea if I'm helping Buddy on his path anymore than my dad helped me. But I do know one truth, Buddy said he was glad that I was always around to help him when he was in pain. Also, perhaps even more importantly, I know that....

High heels make you grumpy no matter who you are! So all and all a super fantastic, truth telling, day!

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