Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Lessons from the pit stop.....

Buddy is still sick today. He was vomiting last night....with an added bonus of ridiculous diarrhea. My poor boy was crying and moaning in pain  this afternoon  from the cramps with the diarrhea, I decided to run to the store and get him some anti-diarrhea medications. I had a huge dilemma  leave a crying/moaning kid at home, or take a chance with a 10 minute grocery store stop. Apparently my need to comfort my child won out, unfortunately my need to have a quick stop at the store didn't. I got front row parking, walked the 10 feet into the store before Buddy urgently gasped that he had to go to the bathroom. I picked him up and ran to the nearest women's bathroom. Hooray, I thought, except there was only one stall and someone was already in it! To make it all worse the old lady washing her hands at the sink was kind enough to give us a heads up that the toilet wasn't flushing. With the constant stream of explosions the past two days we needed (for all our sakes) a flushing toilet. Since we were about to have a mess in our pants I sent him next door to the men's room. Thankfully there was no line for the toilet.....or there might have been after him, but for a good 30 minutes he occupied that stall! So I paced around the door of the men's bathroom for 30 minutes, basically enough for every man that walked past me to go to the store and then coming out of the store asked me if I wanted them to check on Buddy for me (small, friendly community, what can I say). Of course what they didn't know was that every time the bathroom was unoccupied I went in the men's room to check on my boy (by the way, urinal cakes kinda creep me out, but maybe it's just the fact that it has such a friendly name for something so gross...cake, not urinal). 30 heart wrenching minutes later my boy emerged. I figured I had just enough time to throw him in the cart, run him to the medication isle, get what we needed, then get out. Minor detail.....there is no anti-diarrhea medication for children!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR, I thought maybe it was just my dinky little store. Nope, did some research at home and nothing is recommended (which is what I originally thought, but I'll blame my mother and a discussion about children's the way they do make children's Kaopectate but I don't want to take my chances with that stuff because it's not recommended under 12 because of the risk of Reye's disease).  Perhaps I'll do my research before I get a wise idea to go to the store next time because the only saving grace is that Buddy didn't poop his pants while we were at the store (in the car on the way home is a whole different story though). In other news, ah, who am I kidding, there is no other news, I have a puky pooper on my hands and I can't handle anything more....well I could, but I might get puke or poo on it! So all in all a superly missing our fantastic days, day!

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