Monday, April 1, 2013

The festivities....

I worked last night, so this is going to be a little catch up from yesterday's festivities. To start off, the Easter Bunny apparently has stock not only in Easter Eggs, but also the yarn company....

Thank goodness for a coworker who spilled the beans on what she used to do with her kids so I could totally copy cat it! It was fantastic. After he sadly looked through Shane's Easter basket thinking how lame the basket was, I decided to put the kid out of his misery and point out the note that said he had to follow the string to find his basket! Best thing ever (not the basket, just the string)!!!! He loved the yarn trap so much that we compromised  and I let him keep the yarn in his room .He added to the creation, and in his compromise,  he let me take the rest down through the other rooms of the  house so you could actually walk a step without pretending you were a ninja (although that was pretty awesome)....

He named his yarn creation  the spider and it was one of the "events" at his Easter party....
Of course when you have awesome events, you  don't want your guests to get lost, so a good host will always  point the way to the activities....
Also planned party activities were.....
and you can't have an Easter Party without one of these....
Thank goodness for the sign and picture clue or I think the kids would all have been at a loss! The kids had a good time, but then again (at least in Buddy's opinion) anytime you're surrounded by others, it's a good time....
It was a super fantastic day, I even put a dress I've had my eye on for a while in my Easter basket....thank you Easter Bunny, I mean thank you me....
I'm sad we didn't get any better pictures, but we had to run to church so someone could get called to be the new Cub Master! I am seriously excited about it, so is the boy! Honestly, if I could pick a calling for myself that would be the one, or the calling that you just sit in the back row and don't do anything or have to talk to anyone.....that's right up there on my list  too! Anyway, so now it's April Fool's day, one of my favorite days of the year! Buddy has been helping mastermind pranks with me for years to play on Shane, this year he went out on his own and did this....
He said a kid at school punched him and gave him a black eye. Hmmm, all I did was put holes in his water bottle so it sprinkled all over when he drank it, made him some brown E's, and froze his milk and cereal. Next year I'm going to have to remember to not work the night before so I can be a little more revved up so I can honor this day a little better! Next year Buddy, next year! So all in all a super fantastic, festively   festve, day! Oh, and I'm pregnant with twins!

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