Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Theme songs?

This sweet little thing asked me to make a recording of his theme song so he could play it while he was walking down the halls during school.....
Of course he was dressed like this when he asked.....
So the theme song that he hummed made me a little less afraid and a lot more sense.....Seriously, how awesome is he for only being 8 and  already selecting a theme song! I think if I picked a theme song when I was 8 it would have had something to do with Miss Piggy in it! Miss Piggy seems to pale greatly in comparison to Darth Vader's notorious walking tune! In other news, Buddy's going to be Darth Vader for Halloween....I know, big surprise with him in the costume and all. He's very committed to his role, he's even shaving his head so I can put makeup and fake scars on his head so he can look like the jacked up Darth under the mask! Of course he wants to play his "theme music" while he walks so everyone can get the full effect! Next thing you know, I'll turn into one of those ridiculous mothers that make a Tie Fighter out of cardboard just for Halloween....
Errrr, what was I talking about? In other more awesome, less Halloween news, our friend Alan took this picture of my boy in  Kauai.....
It's making me seriously consider hiring a professional photographer to capture the rest of my ENTIRE LIFE on film.....I'm sure I could get a reasonable rate, plus seriously how awesome would it be if all of the photos of your day to day were by a professional! I'm thinking Photoshop, lighting and angles could really be my friend. Hmmm, I'll have to go over the family budget in the morning! So all in all a super fantastic, thinking of a better theme song, day!

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