Thursday, September 26, 2013

Who is this kid....and mustache party here we come!

Buddy has woken up with a sore throat the past 3 days and is progressively going down that all too familiar road to sickie land! When I picked him up from school today, I mentioned that he was getting so sick, that maybe he should stay home tomorrow and rest. His response,"no mom, I can't miss tomorrow we are putting together our portfolios and that is probably important". Ha! I had to look in the back seat to make sure I picked up the right kid, that's when I saw him reading the newspaper?.......Wait, what happened to my hooky playing, seizure faking Buddy?  Buddy is loving this year, he even rushed inside the house once we got home, so he could work on his writing assignment (in case you are new to this blog, getting Buddy to write one sentence in the past has led to more than a half an hour of tears and thrashing on the floor in a pathetic lump)! Of course, the fact that the writing assignment was about Lagoon (Buddy's amusement park of choice), didn't hurt at all. In other news, I saw some really cute kids and offered them some candy....

In other news, remember when I talked about living out my dreams of being in a parade? Tonight, I offered up to live out another of my biggest dreams, the kid(s) that sell at least 10 things of popcorn gets to throw a pie in my face (woohoo, although I am really starting to question my childhood). Anyway, here is the link for Buddy's online sales so hopefully I can mark one more thing off my bucket list... ! In other more planning news, I finally came up with several mustache themed games and even though we haven't done them, I thought I'd share since the internet is seriously lacking and someone else might be struggling! Ok, here we go: Sticky stache ,  Vaseline on the face, the face dipped into a bucket of cotton balls then raced to the other end of the course to place all the cotton balls stuck on the face into a empty bucket, first full bucket wins., Steal the stache, I'm going to glue mustaches onto a clothespin and have the kids put the clothespin on their right shoulder. Then the kids will run around and try to grab each others clothespins (they are out when their clothespin gets taken). The last one standing wins. Then find the stache....this is a play off of my LEGO party, but I bought a boat load of mustaches to hide in some jello and they have to find a mustache with either their hands or faces (I'm thinking faces because, let's face it, the messier the better in my book). Then last but not least, splash the stache. I was going to have a few large shaving cream shaped mustaches and let the kids fling water balloons at it. First team to get the mustache to completely disappear wins! Buddy told me he thinks we should have at least  two more games....and here I thought I was a creative genius! Sheesh! Anyway, readers in the anonymous internet abyss, let me know if you can think of any more games....other than pin the mustache on the whatever because no offense to the creators of that game, but it's pretty lame when you're more than 3 (but maybe Buddy and I are just jaded party snobs)! So all in all a super fantastic, give me some ideas, day!

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