Tuesday, May 24, 2016


I had to go to the only Scout store on the island today, which means we had to take a 90 minute drive over to Hilo. Buddy didn't want to be all alone and bored, so he asked his BFF to come along and be bored with him.....great plan, right???? Anyway, I asked the boys if they wanted to go to the zoo while we were in Hilo (yet again, the only zoo on the island). They wholeheartedly declined that offer, but asked if they could go to the mall???? WHAT???? I mean seriously, WHAT?????? The mall excursion ended with these 2 yokels getting singing ties with pictures of ham and bacon on them! Who knew malls could be so exciting????? Apparently these two did!!!!

In other news, I also bought the boys a cute book with some of the works of Edgar Allan Poe. In other, other news, I read them some of his stories before bed. In other, other, other news.....I don't think reading a story about chopping someone up and then hiding them under the floor board right before bed was the best parenting decision I've ever made! So all in all a super fantastic, go to sleep already boys, day!

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