Friday, September 9, 2011

Island Spice?

So while we were walking home from school yesterday, Buddy repeated a very offensive and dirty comment that he heard from another kid in his class. Seriously, he's in FIRST GRADE!!!! He didn't know what it meant (thankfully, but then I explained it to him... I figured I should before someone else goes teaching my boy more things). This isn't the first time he's said something he picked up from the boys at school. I'm sure these boys have older brothers but honestly I miss the days of innocence and watching Teletubbies, OK not really Teletubbies, but you get my point. I told Buddy that when the boys start to talk raunchy to go play with the girls which I thought was a fantastic idea, at least I thought it was until I talked to his teacher this morning to discuss the locker room behavior. She pointed to one girl and quickly let me know that girl was worse than all the boys together! Wowzers, I have now encouraged Buddy to hang out with the kids that don't speak English! In other news, Buddy has reorganized his birthday party plans (yes it's still 2 months away, but it's going to be awesome) so that he can include Elise...

Do you remember Elise, the one who tormented Buddy his first few weeks at school last year? The one who I assured Buddy had a crush on him which was why she was tormenting him. They have a date on the swings every day after school. We've even hung out with her at the grocery store (it's a small village, it's bound to happen)! They like to swing sideways into each other, young love can be so brutal!
Last night we prepared our snacks for today. Buddy actually did all of it but the melting of the peanut butter, he did amazing and he was super excited about his creation...

In my defense of the first picture, I made him wash his feet and hands really well before hopping onto the counter. Of course he wasn't as excited about the snacks as he was about bringing his guitar to school. We arrived a few minutes early this morning so he sat outside playing and singing a ballad to the amazement of his fellow classmates. I think all he was missing was maybe a hat to lay out so people could throw coins in! I can't wait to hear what his teacher has to say about his performance when I pick him up today.
So all in all, a super fantastic, growing way too fast, day!

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