Saturday, October 13, 2012


I took my favorite little boy to the pumpkin patch, it only took 3 hours to get there(it's only 45 minutes from my house)......hmmm, who knew you could get lost on such a tiny island......It just goes to prove that anything is possible, especially with me at the helm! Anyway, immediately after the pumpkin patch we squeezed in a soccer game before heading home. When we arrived home Buddy declared today the "best day ever". I'm starting to think this boy has selective memory because he sat out 3 quarters of the game due to a knee injury which is now wrapped, elevated and iced. I guess a little pain won't damper the awesomeness of this....

It's not odd that I spent EVERY SINGLE PENNY I had on me buying ridiculously large pumpkins is it? Nah, money well spent, although somehow once again I got relegated to the job of skinning the insides of the pumpkins while the boys, well, I'm not sure what the boys did. I even tried to be sneaky this year and brought home one of Buddy's soccer teammates after the game thinking that pumpkin gutting is funner with a friend....guess I thought wrong! Tomorrow we will be conquering the pumpkin designing of awesomeness, so all in all a super fantastic, pumpkin, day!

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