Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So we took Buddy to register for school today. Buddy must have eaten Lucky Charms this morning because they said we were all ready, except he hadn't had a TB test. How is he so lucky? Poor kid can't go to school until the test is administered and then read 2 days later. That means he can't even go to school until late Friday and guess what next week is, if you guessed SPRING BREAK you are totally right! So instead of a day of higher education at school, Buddy got a little intro to reading the tides, currents and the basics of surfing (OK it was really boogie boarding, but he likes to call it surfing, so who am I to stand in his way). Here he is practicing his moves on the sand before he hit the waves, just like POINT BREAK if you ask me!

Some of us unfortunately forgot our Lucky Charms...

Pardon the nakedness, and I was trying to suck in, which really isn't that effective on my back, but just so you know I tried to not make the picture quite so shocking. Of course Buddy was my photographer and he really thought it'd be funny to show my butt, I think we went through 20 pictures before we finally got this one. So Buddy wants to go surfing tomorrow, maybe I'll find another layer of skin before then!
So all in all a super fantastic, someone is seriously lucky, day!

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