Friday, November 30, 2012

The day of AWESOME....

This morning started like any other ho-hum day, but, when I went picked up Buddy from school, he had had an extraordinary day (at least in the eyes of an 8 year old boy). He got to meet the "strongest man in the world" (at least according to the "Guinness Book of World Record" circa 2009.....
After school Buddy wanted to go to the cafeteria where "Jon" was so he could lallygag at him some more. When we got there, there was a massive horde of kids and all the middle school girls were crying. Odd and interesting I thought, pretty sure the "strongest man in the world" probably wouldn't have led me down an emotional roller coaster when I was that age, so I asked Buddy what that was all about. His answer, "well, he told a story and then he rolled up a frying pan and ripped a phonebook in half". I had to ask someone to tell me what the story was about, since my kids' selective memory, was not selecting the story, just the awesome bending of a crowbar....
The story turned out to be about being bullied at school, obviously, that story doesn't win out over seeing a crowbar being bent in half.....or apparently two fifth graders being picked up and spun by the "strongest man". In other news, Buddy decided to hang with a few of his kind....

Of course, they were escorted by their parents, which are thankfully, a few of our kind.....
In less hairy news, the elf got caught up in an unfortunate game of capture the flag....
Hmmm, maybe he should pick his teams a little more wisely next time? So all in all a super fantastic, AWESOME, day!

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