Friday, September 5, 2014


Ever wonder what my life would be like if I had a little girl? 
Wonder no more! Yep, that's the neighbor girl that came all the way down the road and across the street BY HERSELF (her dad was watching her walk across the street) to come ask if I wanted to play! Since I was making dinner we decided we should do a dinner dance show.....I think next time we should wear our tutus! In other news, while we were walking out of school yesterday,  Buddy was telling me that the gym teacher hit one of his classmates during Gym class. Let me explain a few things about this gym teacher.....she isn't very nice, and you can always hear her yelling at the kids. When Buddy was in second grade I wrote a note excusing  Buddy from gym because he had a really bad sunburn and I wanted him in the shade (we have no gym at the school, the kids just use the field for class). The gym teacher insisted that he participate and told him he didn't have a sunburn!!!!! Errrrr....excuse me????? The gym teacher must also be blind! I reported my disapproval of the behavior to the assistant principal (trust me,  saying I was PISSED OFF is an understatement), and the next day the gym teacher confronted me and yelled at me in the middle of the school plex for "getting her in trouble".....Bully much ? Ever since then she has not been on my top 10 list of awesome teachers-of course with the way she yells at kids, she was never really there! Anyway, back to my story. Buddy was telling me she hit this kid, so I think she was just doing a gesture like touching someone on the back while you're talking to them. Nope, according to Buddy, she got mad at this kid and  hit him in the shoulder so hard it knocked him backwards. I asked Buddy if anyone told, or if the kid told anyone. According to Buddy they all tried to get this kid to tell someone, unfortunately this kid gets in a lot of trouble, so he told them he didn't want to tell on the teacher because he was afraid he'd get in more trouble. We hadn't even gotten down the bottom of the ramp that leads to Buddy's classroom building before he stopped me and told me he needed to go back and tell his teacher. I'm not sure what happened, or what really happened on the field yesterday, but I sure am proud of Buddy. When he came back to me after reporting to his teacher, I told him how proud I was of him and he told me "I always want to stand up for what is right for my friends" ....what a good boy! I think I'll keep him! So all in all a super fantastic, standing for what is right, day!

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