Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bring back that lovin' feeling....

Today we went out to a restaurant to celebrate Mother's Day (don't judge us, it's less crowded, cheaper and it's a possibility that Shane or I will be working). Anyway, while we were there, there were some kids playing on the green of the nearby golf course. One of the kids playing happened to be a little girl that Buddy has played with once before. Let's just say that that experience was a less than pleasant one and if he sees her at school he tries to high tail it out of there before she spots him. Well, today he, being the playing kind of kid he is, braved the storm and went to go ask her if he could play. Not only was the answer yes, but they played and played and played and then when it was time to go home she gave him this....
He told me he wasn't going to throw it away, even if it did have pink, because she is "kinda cute". Of course when I reminded him of Jasmine, he said he loved Jasmine more. Then when I reminded him of Utah Hemi he said " I still love her, but it's been so long that I don't remember our kiss anymore". That must have been some kiss to have lasted thus far! When I told him that I already talked to Hemi's mom and we were going to be seeing her when we go to Utah next month, he said he was excited to "get back that lovin' feeling". Hmmmm, perhaps he'll grow up to be a songwriter with lines like that! So all in all a super fantastic, giving love a second chance, day!

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