Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Domo arigato....

My son was kidnapped today and forced to ride in a car with a bunch of strange people that played "Japanese" music in their car. Of course the kidnapping was more of a taking him with them to cub scouts, and the strange people happen to be the people we beg to hang out with us on an almost daily basis (it really is daily, but I didn't want to sound stalkeresq), and the song I believe was really a Japanese lesson (but it's all Greek to me). When Buddy got home he sang me his Japanese song and I sang him mine....or at least the only Japanese song I know....Mr. Roboto! He said he didn't like my song at all, I think he must be hard of hearing, cause seriously, who can shun Mr. Roboto? Especially when you have a fancy choreographed robot dance to coincide with your awesome singing! Anyway, when Buddy got home, his friend and her sister were over visiting....not doing much, just chilling, and growing our awesome stache's out...
I know I said I'd stop with the mustache pictures, but there is nothing more irresistable than a baby with a handlebar mustache, wouldn't you agree? That, and I may need a 12 step program soon. Anyway, since it was bedtime, Buddy read them both a bedtime story....
Buddy even let Sydney pick the book...
Obviously, this "manly man" is very happy about the choice! Oh well, he quickly made up for it after they left and he started reading a book filled with burbs, farts and boogers (and that was only the first two pages)! Tomorrow Grandma Judy (Shane's mom), and Grandpa Kirk are coming, which means I'll have more people to sway the vote to my side in the go to the beach vs. sit at home and be a bum debate! Yay! So all in all a super fantastic, domo arigato, day!

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