Saturday, September 22, 2012

Corporal punishment...

I sent Buddy to his room to go make his bed this morning, after a few minutes I heard some giggling and a "mom come see this"....
I asked him what was going through that crazy little brain of his and he told me that it was a reenactment of me and my sister "getting spanked by Papaw". I giggled and then told him if he wanted his reenactment to be correct, the dolls should have been touching their toes. Trust me, if you didn't want your spankings again, the hands always stayed on the toes! I'm glad Buddy has a warped sense of humor at my expense! I've probably told him the story about a patient farting in my face while placing a difficult catheter a thousand times, he still gets a kick out of it like he's never heard it before and then asks me to tell that story(and more) when his friends are gathered round. Sick kid, glad I have such a good influence over him! So all in all a super fantastic, touch your toes, day!

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